Hot White Caipiroska

Analcoholic CocktailAperitivo AnalcolicoDay-timeNight-timeNo Alcol


30 ml Strawberry Mixyfruit 
20 ml lime juice 
1 bsp white sugar 
60 ml tonic water 
Chocolate Kroccant 


Pour the first three ingredients into a Boston shaker with ice. Shake energetically and pour into a Juice/Collins glass. Top up with tonic water, stir gently and garnish with fresh strawberries and Chocolate Kroccant. 

Other recipes by
Fresh ingredients Strawberry, Brown Sugar
Drink size Long Drink
Glass Collins, Juice
Juices&sodas Tonic Water
Mixyfruit Strawberry
Serving time Anytime
Preparation technique Build, Shake&Pour
Hot White Caipiroska