Beverly Cocktail

Aperitivo alcolicoAperitivo DayCocktail alcolicoLow AlcolSoda/Filler/Sparkling


120 ml prosecco 
40 ml Campari 
20 ml Cranberry Mixybar Syrup or Cranberry Mixyfruit 


Shake the Bitter Campari and Cranberry Mixybar Syrup/Cranberry Mixyfruit with ice, strain into a wine glass filled with ice cubes. Top up with prosecco, garnish and serve with a smile. 

Other recipes by
Drink size Medium Drink
Liqueurs Campari
Mixybar Cranberry
Mixyfruit Cranberry
Serving time Anytime, Aperitivo
Preparation technique Build, Shake&Strain
Wine and spirits Prosecco
Beverly Cocktail